Here are the new features that I was informed by TomTom are in the latest update: The following are the new features that were incorporator in the app 11.030: # The Speed Cameras service has the following improvements: * You are now warned about speed cameras with new, clearer icons. I do not know what "browse as text on 2 button interface" means. Note that auto zooming is also gone in 2D view. We want you to know that, we will be there for you and we do value you as a customer. Please check the TomTom website regularly for any updates. I will surely forward your suggestion to our Product Development Team and you can expect browse as text on 2 button interface in near future we do not have an estimated time of when they will be released. Many of our current products and updates offer features based on customer suggestions. Our Product Managers review all feedback to determine future enhancements and products. Suggestions are gathered and organized to understand the areas our customers are most interested in enhancing. However, we value your suggestions for improvements to our products. We do apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. To incorporate new features, some of the old, unpopular features were removed. This has been done to incorporate new features in the device. We regret to inform you that the feature to show street names in 2D view has been removed with the latest app 11.030. Please rest assured that I will provide the necessary information in this regard. I understand the importance of the feature for you. I understand that the street names are not shown under 2D map view but available in the 3D view. My name is (removed) and we are always happy to help. Here is the response I got when I emailed TomTom tech support re the loss of street names in 2D view: Thank you for taking the time to contact TomTom Customer Support.

I then connected my device to my computer and the map was installed to the device without any input from me. I finally gave up trying to stop the map download and let it download fully to my computer. When I pointed the above out to customer service, they could only tell me that that's the way it is with the update. When you enter a new destination and it shows a map of the whole route and you press the "done" button, it will no longer automaticlly zoom in to your starting location. The map will no longer automaticlly zoom in at intersections. The name of the street you will turning onto next is no longer there. The name of the street you are on which used to be just above the status bar is gone. I have found no way to change colors in 2D view.

The colors have changed and it's hard to see the streets on the map. These all pertain to 2D view, which I generally use.

I thought I would add the undesirable changes that I have to my device since I downloaded the GPS signal "fix".